Updated: April 27th, 2021
What is Club Derry?
Where have we come from?
As a GAA county we are relatively young, but our roots and tie to the land and places in which we live go back many generations. On the national stage our teams have made frequent forays to the mountain top and the belief that we can so again remains.
No other organisation contributes as much to local social and cultural capital as the GAA does in Derry. But we face challenges. Our population is increasingly urban and as an association we must resolve to address this changing landscape. However, we must not do so at the expense of sustaining and growing our rural communities and clubs, and preserving our way of life.
Modernisation of our coaching structures in the previous decade, married to a renewed vigour and work ethic within our clubs has seen our underage teams begin to progress in hurling and football. Ladies football and Camogie are vibrant and growing and are a vital part of our social fabric as a county. As the various associations move closer to a more integrated approach, Club Derry must be there to support and reinforce those ideals.
The next decade is a vital one in our history and it is incumbent on us all to do what we can to leave a story and lasting legacy for future generations.
Why we do this…
Because we believe in community. Because we believe that the work that we do has a positive impact on the wellbeing and outlook of our people, both young and old.
Because we believe in Derry and its people. We believe that we can be better and that we can compete with any other GAA unit in Ireland despite many inequalities that exist.
Because we want to support our clubs and the elected officers of Derry GAA in providing solid financial footings, with increased coaching support for both this generation and the next.
Because our players deserve our support.
Because if we don’t, no-one else will.
Growing Oaks
Development, in the context of young players, has been a much discussed topic in recent years.
In Club Derry we believe that is is our duty to ensure that player pathways are supported for all players to achieve their potential. Not every player can be a senior intercounty player. However, through exposure to high levels of coaching, nutrition advice and strength and conditioning players are given the opportunity to develop personally for the benefit of their clubs and county. It is not an ‘either, or’ situation and never will be.
In 2019, Club Derry in conjunction with Derry GAA, held a Careers Expo at Owenbeg, putting young players in contact with local employers. We believe that local businesses and Derry GAA can work in partnership for the benefit of our young people who wish to remain living and working in a strong local economy.
Club Derry supports Derry GAA’s vision of development of people, not just as players, but in a more holistic and complete way